Hopey Changey

Today is Jan 20th, 2017. Today is the day that the 44th US President peacefully transfers power over to the new 45th US President. This past election taught me that the same people who can be motivated by Hope and Love, can also be motivated by Fear and Hate. We are all human. It takes a very special person to be able to see things from both perspectives and not get emotionally caught up by either one. Think about it, if you are on either side of a battle, you only have to worry about the bullets that are coming towards your front. However, if you are in the middle, you have the vantage point of seeing things from both sides but you also have to worry about bullets flying past you from both sides/all angles. It’s neither popular nor safe to be the one who tries to see things from both sides. Although, it is necessary because the one who sees both sides can actually see past the individual battle and understand the actual War (the big picture).

I think of the importance it will mean for my daughter to know that she was born in a year that we had a Black President. I know some will try to bury that fact in the History books; as we see that they are “softening” what slavery was in the new History books now. But I will make sure that she knows our History. Knowing our history is important as it gives us a better understanding of where we are going because we know where we came from and the obstacles and opportunities placed in front of us along the way. She will not be shackled by the mere fact that her country has never had a Black person who ascended to the highest office and became President. Therefore, she will not feel like there is a limit to where she can go because of her skin color. That mere fact alone will give a sense of mental freedom to the children that are born now and forever.

That’s why I see 44 as a great President. I’m not going to debate what he did or didn’t do policy wise, or how he didn’t do anything for Black people (which is not true might I add – do your research) or if Obamacare was successful (The ACA is the same thing as Obamacare people – why don’t you know that? smh). In my opinion, the best thing that the President did cannot be quantified or put in an equation. The best thing President Obama did started during his campaign in 2007. President Obama gave us Hope, at a time when we desperately needed it and he held to this theme throughout his presidency up until his last day in the Oval Office. That Hope came with an unbelievable amount of poise and professionalism, grace and greatness, freshness and family love that has inspired Millions, if not Billions all around the world. Yes, unfortunately we’ve witnessed this new Presidential era usher in a theme based on Fear and Hate. However, I truly believe that Hate cannot last too long.. it doesn’t promote growth and it is literally bad for you (physically and mentally). Holding on to hate will raise your blood pressure which can actually kill you.

Am I naive in understanding what we are facing today? Of course not, but I am a person who likes to see things from both sides/all angles so I can understand the big picture. My understanding teaches me that we have much work to do, times will get tougher before they get better but eventually, “we’re gonna be alright.. right right” (in my Kendrick Lamar voice). I have Hope and Hope is a motivator. That’s what number 44 has done for me. Thank you Brother…

Ronn P ~ Happy Daddy