Testimonial #2

Testimonial #2
February 13, 2017


When I was told that I was going to be a father it was a feeling that I’ve never felt before. The joy and all the positive emotions were overwhelming. Very soon after that came the nerves and the anxiety. So I took a ride to let all this amazing news settle in. I lived in Charlotte NC at the time. My ride ended up in Washington DC where my brother and sister lived. I had no luck in finding them so I met up with a good friend and classmate of mine from Johnson C. Smith University. Our conversation was long but ended with him laughing at me. He laughed and he said of all the people he met at school he knew I would be a great father. I thanked him but thought that position was filled already by my own father.

9 months later it turns out that this great father was apart of the birth of an even greater son. On an early April morning in 1994 at 6:12am I found out the real meaning of the phrase, Man Up!! My other Bornday. Being that my fiancée at the time had our son on the hallway floor of our apartment, I was the first to hold our child. Before I handed him to his mother I told him that I would always be there for him. Just like my father is for me. Fast Forward 22yrs.  I see the makings of a much better man than I could ever be!! What else can a father ask for in life?
