March 30, 2017


No dad knows what to expect when he finds out that he’s going to have children. You always want your children to have it better than you did, the same way your dad wanted you to have it better. You don’t know if you will make the right choices, decisions, or do a great job in raising them. I will admit, when something goes wrong, my reactions are a little exaggerated, but I only want them to learn right from wrong and make the right decisions. I see a lot of me in them, my love for music (my 11 year old shares my interest in DJ’ing and often helps me during school gigs). The 16 and 10 year old know more about cars than I do and we often have conversations about all types of vehicles.

Every chance I get, I’m coaching my younger two boys and their teammates in baseball, supporting my oldest and his high school football team. Even though they will drive the wife and I crazy at home, we get lots of great comments from people (on the outside) on how well mannered and polite they are. I’ll take that any day. My name is Kirk Rosemond and I’m a proud dad of three boys!